ssh -T git@ (list remote git projects)
git clone git@
(sort of check-out, but copy all the history of all the files)
cd testgitlab/
vi 2.txt
git add 2.txt ("stage" the file)
git commit -m " new file "
(local commit, commit everything that is "staged" into the local git repository)
- show deleted files for each commit
- git log --diff-filter=D --summary
- branches
- to add a branch "prod" locally and in the remote repository
- git branch your-branch
- git push origin your-branch
- git branch -av
- list all remote branches wit their pointer value
- "checkout" a remote branch
- git switch MEDNEM-whatever
- to add a branch "prod" in .git/config
- to have master point to a former commit
- git reset --hard 112ab334
- git push -f
- rename a branch locally and remotely
- git branch -n new-name. (locally)
- git push origin --delete old-name
- git push --set-upstream origin new-name
- delete remote branch
- git push -d origin MEDNEM-47
- git branch --set-upstream prod origin/prod
- diff between the local repo and the central repo
- git diff master origin/master
- ignore last commit not yet pushed (move the reference pointer, doesn't delete the commit)
- git reset HEAD~1
- remove last commit locally and remotely (if branch not protected)
git reset --hard HEAD^
git push -f
- "undo" a commit (if branch protected)
- git revert e52b3378f42c82720c41e7dc08ae211c56ef164d
- (or "git revert HEAD" if only last commit)
- git push
- if I want to revert to a commit that was a merge
- git revert -m 1 6b90123523c78ecc5a63e88b4a8605a530e80e56
- You can recover an individual file with:
git checkout --
or to restore all the files that are have been deleted, you could do:
git ls-files -z --deleted | xargs -0 -n 1 git checkout --
- get local repo at a specific commit id
- git reset --hard e52b3378f42c82720c41e7dc08ae211c56ef164d
- see also at the end
- git checkout -b tmp 03d0e...26a
- Dev scenario 1
2572 git clone git@
2577 git branch
2548 git branch dev_local
2549 git branch
2550 git checkout dev_local
----------- I do my dev and others commit too on the central repo
2556 git status
2557 git commit -a -m"." (you have to commit everything here, otherwise see Dev scenario 2)
2558 git status
2559 git checkout master
2560 git pull
2561 git checkout dev_local
2562 git merge master dev_local
2563 git checkout master
2564 git merge dev_local master
2565 git push
- Dev Scenario 2 (cherry-pick scenario)
2776 git commit your stuff2776 git stash2776 git branch tmp22777 git checkout tmp2
2781 git cherry-pick 96c53838ba55b72ef16d31f1076393de03c2e0e1 (possibly with option -m 1)
2789 git checkout master
2790 git merge tmp2
2793 git pull
2794 git push
2795 git branch -D tmp2
- Dev Scenario 3 (add a branch out of release)
git checkout release
git branch my_branch release
git push origin my_branch (my_branch points to release)
git checkout my_branch
git add myfile.txt
git commit ...
git push origin my_branch (the commits is shown as head, ahead of master)
- Dev Scenario 4 (create a branch from tags)
- git submodule foreach git checkout tags/3.3.11
- git submodule foreach git checkout -b prod
- git submodule foreach git push origin prod
- Dev scenario 5: I mistakenly commit on branch and want to restart
- git stash
- if you haven't commit anything and want to update the branch
- git stash pop (get back what was stashed, and remove it from the stash list)
- To remove local tag
- git tag -d 3.3.03.rc2
- To remove tags on central repository
- git push origin :3.1.2.b1
- git submodule foreach git push origin :3.1.2.b1
- tagging git tag -a 3.1.1.b1 -m"tag 3.1.1.b1 Apr 5th 2013 sprint 6"
git push --tags
- git checkout tad_id (get a specific tag)
- git merge conflict resolution
- git merge one_branch
- git checkout --ours pom.xml (keep master version numbers), or edit files
- git add pom.xml
- git commit
- git push
- Note that during
git rebase
andgit pull --rebase
, 'ours' and 'theirs' may appear swapped;--ours
gives the version from the branch the changes are rebased onto, while--theirs
gives the version from the branch that holds your work that is being rebased. - git rebase
- instead of
- git merge one_branch
- do
- git rebase one_branch
- git push --force
- git rebase -i develop-1
- allow to chose or get rid off some commits
- allow to squash by replacing "pick" by "squash" all line from the second one
- squashing
- git rebase -i HEAD~3 (no. of commits you want to squash including the current one)
- You will get one interactive prompt where you need to Pick the top commit and insert squash or s in front of those which you want to combine/squash.
- you will get another interactive prompt, put # in front of commits message that you don't want, and or add your own message.
- git push --force
- Mistakenly committed to the master branch (but didn't push)
- git branch -m one_branch (rename master to one_branch)
- more .git/config
- git branch --unset-upstream
- more .git/config (should be no more remote)
- git push --set-upstream origin one_branch
- git checkout master
- Reverting Working Copy to Most Recent Commit
- Show added files since a commit
- git diff b28d54ac880c2381d700001aa9f50dcbb5f73617 --diff-filter=A --numstat
- A branch from which I created my branch is removed
- way #1
- git fetch
- git branch -f MEDNEM-3665 origin/MEDNEM-3665
- git rebase --onto origin/MEDNEM-3665 7319...34a MEDNEM-3716
- git push --force
- (while you are on MEDNEM-3716)
- way #2
- git fetch
- git rebase --onto origin/main 6a4...e9 MEDNEM-3716
- git push --force
- (while you are on MEDNEM-3716)
- I want to create a branch from a commit ID to test an older version
- git checkout -b tmp 03d0e...26a
- Config
- command line commit tree visualization
- git log --graph --oneline --all
- there is another tool "gitk" but it adds limited value)
- difftool
- git difftool commit_id_1 commit_id_2
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