- to display all the targets:
mvn -g > toto.txt
- List of targets are in project.xml, see "build" target
- "dist:" postgoals are described in maven.xml
- To add a jar like mysql, you need to add it to project.properties and project.xml
- Maven plugin for eclipse:
- http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/574594/how-can-i-create-an-executable-jar-with-dependencies-using-maven Note: use Maven/asembly and not Maven/Packaging
- mvn assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true (doesn't build tests)
- mvn assembly:assembly -DskipTests=true (doesn't do tests, but build them)
- New Maven project for Eclipse
- from the command line:
- cd EngineApi
- mvn install
- mvn eclipse:eclipse
- Import the project into Eclipse as a maven project
- Right click on the Eclipse project: "Maven / Enable Dependencies Management" then "Maven / Update Project Configuration"
mvn archetype:generate
-DgroupId=com.yourcompany.engine.api -DartifactId=EngineApi -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
- Maven/Eclipse problem
- Right-click on your project, select Maven -> Remove Maven Nature.
- Open you terminal, go to your project folder and do
mvn eclipse:clean
- Right click on your Project and select “Configure -> Convert into Maven Project”
- Create a pom compatible entry to be used as a dependency from a local jar file
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.winterwell -DartifactId=jtwitter -Dversion=2.8.2 -Dfile=/home/lee/tools/JTwitter/jtwitter.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
- if you lost or removed the /target folder
- mvn compile
- or
- mvn package (creates also the package...)
- Lifecycle phases (generate-test-sources, etc)
- Snapshots
- Use a snapshot of another project in your dependencies
- need to do "mvn clean install" on the project we want a snapshot on
- <properties>
- <whatever-configuration.version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</whatever-configuration.version>
- see what snapshots you have in
- ~/.m2/repository/fr/...
- if it doesn't find it on local, it gets it from nexus
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