create WAR files, or AAR axis2 archive files)
Windows > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Code Templates > Comments
Select Types
- tab spaces not taken into account (Helios, Ubuntu 64 bits)
- Needed to do a "apt-get update" after installing CDT otherwise, gave me funky compile error messages on printf and stuff
- To access the gdb CLI, select the gdb process node in the Debug view. The gdb command line will then be available in the Console view. Though no prompt is visible, you can enter commands at the bottom line of the Console view. Doing so may desynchronize the IDE and gdb, so be careful when driving the debugger using this interface.
- automatic save: Windows > Preferences > General > Workspace
create a sibbling directory of the sources root: search-l-2S-build
cd search-l-2S-build
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../search-l-2S
In eclipse CDT:
File > Import Existing Projects into Workspace > Next
Select root directory => Répertoire "cmakebuild" créé plus haut
Source accessible in "Subprojects".
./eclipse_cdt -vmargs -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
You just get "Dynamic Web Project" creation menu only when you install J2EE Eclipse version
- eclipse.ini
if you get black zones within the Eclipse editor, you will have to switch from GTK3 to GTK2. To do this, add the following two lines to eclipse.ini
when using the maven plugin, the "Java build path" in the Eclipse will take the default JRE Eclipse config unless you specify "maven-compiler-plugin" as artifact in the pom.xml with version 1.8 for example
window->Preferences, ensuite choisir Java->Code Style-> formatter et sélectionner "Java conventions [build-in]".
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