Saturday, April 5, 2008


- AD: Active Directory
- ACL: Access Control List
- CLR: Common Language Runtime
- CLI: Common Language Infrastructure
- CPL: Courant Porteur en Ligne = Power Line Communication (PLC)
- CMF: content management frameworks
- CMS: content management system
- ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
- GAC: Global Assembly Cache
- GED: Gestion Electronique de Documents
- LRU: Least Recently Used
- IT: Information technology
- LAMP: Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP
- MOA: Maitrise d'ouvrage (cree les specs, effectue la recette), parois appele "metiers"
- MOE: Maitrise d'oeuvre (recommande, implemente)
- MVP: Minimum Viable Product  (asked as a first step for start up )
- RIA: rich Internet application
- SLA: Service Level Agreement. In practice, the term SLA is sometimes used to refer to the contracted delivery time
- WMI: Windows Management Instrumentation
(nom du service en francais: Lanceur de processus DCOM)

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