Wednesday, April 23, 2008

To disable the PC board speaker

- "gestionnaire de peripheriques",
- afficher les peripheriques caches
- "beep", right click, "disable"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

MySQL survival kit

  • To start it:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin>mysqld-nt.exe
    You can also start it as a service
    On Vista, the db file is:
    C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data\ibdata1
  • To see the tables:
    mysql -u root
    > use mysql
    > show tables

    > CREATE TABLE cumul_bench (
    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    test_desc varchar(100) default '',
    tstamp datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    PRIMARY KEY (id)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM;

    > show tables

    > SHOW COLUMNS FROM cumul_bench
  • regex in mysql

  • WHERE cat_id REGEXP '^10.{6}$'    (start with a 10, followed by 6 digits)

    • Enable query log  in  /etc/mysql/my.cnf   (affects performances)
      • [mysqld]
      • general_log      = on
      • general_log_file = /var/log/mysql/query.log


    Sunday, April 6, 2008

    Cygwin survival kit

    cygcheck -p

    --- crontab:
    cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D
    net start cron

    Saturday, April 5, 2008

    Vista / W2008server / Windows7 survival kit

    * Reading the following, some folders are 'virtualized' on Vista

    The way around I took, is to create a c:\MyProgramFiles

    * To add 'SendTo' shortcuts:

    * Stop continuous OS Disk Access (Vista):
    - "points de restauration" in Panel/System/System protection
    - Windows Defender

    * Remove corrupted thumbnails in Windows7
    - cleanmgr.exe (system32) and select "thumbnails". You may have to switch to the "details" view, and back again to the "large icons" view to finalize the reset


    - AD: Active Directory
    - ACL: Access Control List
    - CLR: Common Language Runtime
    - CLI: Common Language Infrastructure
    - CPL: Courant Porteur en Ligne = Power Line Communication (PLC)
    - CMF: content management frameworks
    - CMS: content management system
    - ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
    - GAC: Global Assembly Cache
    - GED: Gestion Electronique de Documents
    - LRU: Least Recently Used
    - IT: Information technology
    - LAMP: Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP
    - MOA: Maitrise d'ouvrage (cree les specs, effectue la recette), parois appele "metiers"
    - MOE: Maitrise d'oeuvre (recommande, implemente)
    - MVP: Minimum Viable Product  (asked as a first step for start up )
    - PLN = CPL
    - RIA: rich Internet application
    - SLA: Service Level Agreement. In practice, the term SLA is sometimes used to refer to the contracted delivery time
    - WMI: Windows Management Instrumentation
    (nom du service en francais: Lanceur de processus DCOM)