Sunday, January 13, 2008

Formulas in MS Excel

------ Formulas

1. Click the cell you want the product of the multiplication formula to go in.

2. Type: =(cellname1*cellname2). Substitute "cellname1" and "cellname2" with the names of the cells you would like to multiply.

Also, to mask some of the columns: "Accueuil/Cellules/Format"

------- SUM a column
  . Type =SUM in the cell and then select the cells in the column, press enter

------ open a csv with specific separators in Excel

To open these “|” separated files:
Open Excel / Données/ A partir du texte / importer / Suivant / Séparateurs :autres : « | »

------- to change source cells in a pie graph
   select the cells in the column, drag and drop the cell group on the pie chart 

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