Monday, March 21, 2016

docker survival kit

on Ubuntu 14.04:

-------------- docker service itself
service docker start

-------------- install
sudo bash
vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
deb ubuntu-trusty main

apt-get update
you may have to do this with the associated keys if the former doesn't work
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys F76221572C52609D

apt-get -y install
apt-get install docker-engine
(don't do    "apt-get install docker")

ln -sf /usr/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/docker
sed -i '$acomplete -F _docker docker' /etc/bash_completion.d/
sed -i '$acomplete -F _docker docker' /etc/bash_completion.d/docker
(depends which works)
  • start docker daemon
    • $ sudo service docker start
docker -v    (should be at least 1.12)
docker version
docker info
docker pull hello-world
docker run -it  hello-world

docker pull centos:6.6
docker run -it centos:6.6 /bin/bash

sudo docker images -a

------------- Main
  • Run but exits right away with an error. Still, creates a container.
    • docker run ubuntu
  • Run and keeps an interactive session
    • docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
    • docker run -it alpine /bin/sh
    • sudo docker run -it {repository_name}:{tag} /bin/bash
  • Execute in a running container:
    • “docker exec -it 7b33f4ed03a7 /bin/bash” (or /bin/sh on alpine)
    • sudo docker exec -it $(sudo docker ps -l -q) env
    • with root privilege in the docker bash session
      • sudo docker exec -it --user root 58d3daf3a0dd /bin/bash
  • Restart an existing container to continue working in it
    • docker start 912ccdad8380
    • then docker exec -it 912ccdad8380 /bin/bash

  • To build a container from a Dockerfile:
    • sudo docker build {Dockerfile_path}
docker rename 7d8b244480a2 my_django____4         (rename a container)
docker commit 7d8b244480a2  bob/hello_django:version2  (commit a new image from a running container)

docker save -o /home/bob/bob-hello-django-version4.tar  bob/hello_django:version2

docker load -i bob-hello-django-version2.tar

- "ls /etc/*release"  to know the container OS.
  • remove all containers and clear cache (do not remove images...)
    • docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) && docker ps -a | cut -c-12 | xargs docker rm
  • remove a specific image 
    • sudo docker rmi -f 4f8eceb5cb78
  • WARNING WATCH OUT: remove all images
    • docker rmi $(docker images -q) -f
  • ignore container entrypoint:
    • docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash michal/hello_django_srp:version5
------------- problem 1
Docker version 1.6.2, build 7c8fca2

> docker save -o /tmp/docker1.tar  michal/hello_django_srp:version6

FATA[0000] Error response from daemon: could not find image: no such id:  michal/hello_django_srp:version6 
--> there are two spaces before "michal" and docker is not robust to this
------------- static IP address
docker network create --subnet= mynet18 docker run --net mynet18 --ip -it ubuntu:14.04 bash
------------- bind volume mount (you need data from the host machine)
docker run -it -v /home/lee/tmp/docker-bind:/opt/container-path bob/solr_6_6:v7

otherwise, you can simply copy from the host to the container:
docker cp ./syn_acc.txt dfccf5a493c3:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/resources/v1_02/
------------- other commands
docker ps --last 5
docker inspect 7832d56ddf56

docker logs 7fbc2e820d4c 

docker run -it -p 8580:8080 bob/my-jetty:v1 (port matching)
-------------- when using rancher Desktop
 You can check index creation by doing
"watch docker ps" (get docker port number)

  CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                                    COMMAND                          PORTS                                                                                                                                NAMES
d229f1ce7bc2 localhost/testcontainers/m3ancimbepv8mj4a:latest "/bin/tini -- /usr/l…">9200/tcp, :::49196->9200/tcp,>9300/tcp, :::49195->9300 tcp sleepy_galois
5d89fb8008f2 testcontainers/ryuk:0.11.0 "/bin/ryuk">8080/tcp, :::49194->8080/tcp testcontainers-ryuk-5cede40f-ba07-41f2-a324-6f155ae34fa8


Sunday, March 20, 2016

strange colors on vlc / Windows 7 / need nvidia driver

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Debugging Tomcat remotely using JMX

Start the tomcat as follows
./ -d -p 8001 -j -m 9001 -h

From Eclipse:
  - debug configurations
  - "Remote Java application"
  - "connect" tab
    . Host running the tomcat
    . Port: 8001