- http://www.scipy.org/
- ecosystem regrouping numpy, matplotlib, pandas
- http://www.numpy.org/
- array processing for numbers, strings, records
- http://matplotlib.org/
- ploting package
- http://pandas.pydata.org/
- data analysis
- anaconda
- https://www.continuum.io/downloads
- 387 packages
- numpy, matplotlib, pandas, scipy
yum install python27
---- install numpy
yum install python27-pip python27-devel parallel
cd /usr/bin
ln -s pip2.7 pip
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install requests solrpy
yum install gcc
pip install numpy
---- numpy, scipy on ubuntu
yum install python-pip python-dev build-essential
yum install libatlas-base-dev gfortran
pip install numpy scipy
---- scipy on centOS
yum install lapack-devel
pip install scipy
---- Install pip
---- look for a package:
pip search requests |grep requests
---- see if it is installed
pip show requests
---- see all installed
pip freeze
---- MySQL
pip install MySQL-python didn't work right away. I had to do this
yum search all MySQL
yum install MySQL-client
yum install MySQL-devel
yum install MySQL-python27
---- image module, PIL
pip install PIL --allow-external PIL --allow-unverified PIL
---- image hash
pip install ImageHash
--- look for local Python package
pip list |grep cv
--- Solr sunburnt (Python Solr interface)
--- SolrPy
usually better than sunburnt
--- virtualenv gives a urllib3 error
---- install numpy
yum install python27-pip python27-devel parallel
cd /usr/bin
ln -s pip2.7 pip
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install requests solrpy
yum install gcc
pip install numpy
---- numpy, scipy on ubuntu
yum install python-pip python-dev build-essential
yum install libatlas-base-dev gfortran
pip install numpy scipy
---- scipy on centOS
yum install lapack-devel
pip install scipy
---- Install pip
yum install python-pip
if you have an error like: "urllib3/util/ssl_.py:90: InsecurePlatformWarning" do:
sudo yum remove python-opensslif you have an error like: "urllib3/util/ssl_.py:90: InsecurePlatformWarning" do:
---- look for a package:
pip search requests |grep requests
---- see if it is installed
pip show requests
---- see all installed
pip freeze
---- MySQL
pip install MySQL-python didn't work right away. I had to do this
yum search all MySQL
yum install MySQL-client
yum install MySQL-devel
yum install MySQL-python27
---- image module, PIL
pip install PIL --allow-external PIL --allow-unverified PIL
---- image hash
pip install ImageHash
--- look for local Python package
pip list |grep cv
--- Solr sunburnt (Python Solr interface)
You may have errors with the default lib. What you need to do:
sudo pip uninstall sunburnt
git clone http://github.com/tow/sunburnt.git
sudo pip uninstall sunburnt
git clone http://github.com/tow/sunburnt.git
cd sunburnt
sudo python setup.py install
--- SolrPy
usually better than sunburnt
--- virtualenv gives a urllib3 error
virtualenv my-virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python
my-virtualenv$ source bin/activate
(my-virtualenv) lee@mycomp:~/python/flask/my-virtualenv$ deactivate