Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Java survival kit

- Java2 (1998)
- Java5 (2004): Generics and enum
- Java6 (2006)
  • Web Services
  • All developers get first-class support for writing XML web service client applications. No messing with the plumbing: You can expose your APIs as .NET interoperable web services with a simple annotation. Not your style? Want to handle the XML directly? Knock yourself out: Java SE 6 adds new parsing and XML to Java object-mapping APIs, previously only available in Java EE platform implementations or the Java Web Services Pack.
- Java8 (LTS, 2014 )

    Java17 (LTS.  2021)

      - annotations

      - alternatives
        - alternatives (works with "java" and "javac")
      /usr/bin/update-alternatives --config java
      /usr/bin/update-alternatives --install


      - To switch from open-jdk to Sun Hotspot JDK on ubuntu:
        sudo update-alternatives --set    java    /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/java

      - other notes
      • keywords const and goto are reserved, even though they are not currently used
      • // @formatter:off

      • JAVA_HOME when using Java11
        • in .bash_profile:       export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)


      Monday, July 6, 2009

      Apache HTTP server on vista

      I installed apache_2.2.11-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8i.msi on Vista on port 8080 for myself. Then, from the apache console, it tells me that there is no service, and the "start" button is disabled. The way I had to start it, is from the MS console: httpd.exe. When I start it, a Vista pop-up asks me if I want to open the firewall for this process. That's the way I start it.
      It also starts from the menu /Control Apache Server/Start Apache in Console.
      Could not start it from the "Apache Server Monitor"
      Ah also, I had to go through the security vista nightmare to add files in htdocs in Program Files.